Wahyuddin S. was born at Malaka-Bone-Sulawesi Selatan in 1992. In 2011 he attended Dipa Makassar University (UNDIPA) and was completed in 2015. He was completed after attending 7 semesters and active on an XPcom (Extreme Programmer Computer) campus organization. He was also active as a lecturer assistant for three semesters and taught several courses on programming. He continued his Master of Information systems at Indonesia Computer University (UNIKOM) Bandung in 2016 and was completed in April 2019. In 2023, he continues his doctoral studies in the computer science study program at Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya. He worked as a lecturer at a campus (STMIK Amika Soppeng) 2019 to present and also a Freelance Web Programmer. Has competence in the field of software engineer, application developer, multimedia, web developer, network security, and data analyst.